Identity Verification

With data on more than 300 million companies we are the source for optimizing your business verification process. BoldData connects to hundreds of registries, data sources, entity data and local directories, giving you quick and transparent results to identify fraud, verify customer identities and maintain compliance.

Verify over 330 million business of all sizes, in nearly every country.

As the business-to-business market grows, serving every size of company from solopreneurs to micro merchants to global enterprises, so does the need for business verification. Our business verification processes are a key component for monitoring customer risk. They are also a requirement for effective anti-money laundering (AML) compliance. If an effective business verification process is not put in place, this can lead to hefty fines, sanctions or even public ridicule. Get peace of mind with BoldData’s custom made identity verification solutions.

Our team of compliancy experts take the time to understand your compliance challenges, due diligence measures, target group and campaign. Based on these insights we create a strategy and identify a data source based on the fields, geography, and use case. From a company dataset in bulk by country to a global business API to search for individual entities. Ask us for custom-made advice via the contact form.

Here’s how you can do Identity Verification with peace of mind:


Verify business data

Verify new customers based on registration number, national ID, VAT number address, legal status, date of incorporation, contact information, phone number and URL.


Identify and check Ultimate Beneficial Owners (UBO’s)

Find out the Ultimate Beneficial Owner (UBO) or ultimate beneficial owners and the ownership and control structure of the group to which the client belongs.


Check a company’s financial strength

Keep ahead of the curve by checking a companies balance sheet, credit scores, shareholders, profit & loss and other financials.


Download financial statements

Download official company records sources from public registries and credit institutions.

Want to get started with our ID verification Services?

We deliver data for all compliancy purposes. From a dataset of private companies to an seamless connection by API. Tell us your compliancy challenge and country and we send you a free quote. Call +31(0)20 705 2360 or send an e-mail to

You’ll be in good company

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+31(0)20 705 2360