Looking for answers?

Most questions can be answered by searching our frequently asked questions below. Want to talk to a human? Our data experts are here to help. We take the time to understand your business and objectives.

Prices and delivery

The price depends on the number of addresses and address details. The minimum order amount of our international databases is € 425,-. For this amount you can buy approximately 1,000 top quality and up-to-date addresses. Volume discount is applied if you buy at least 5,000 addresses.


Tell us your target group and we can send you an independent quote of a tailor-made database for your campaign. Call +31(0)20 705 2360 or send an e-mail to info@acc.acc.bolddata.nl.

You tell us your target group via the application form or phone. Based on this information we can make a tailor-made selection of addresses perfectly matched to your target group and objectives. Subsequently we send you a free count and quote of the number of addresses.

Want to place you order? Simply confirm your selection by e-mail. We deliver your addresses by e-mail (in Excel) within 24 hours.

No, we deliver tailor-made selections. Our procedure is as follows: you tell us your target group via the application form or phone. Based on this information we can make a tailor-made selection of addresses perfectly matched to your target group and objectives. Subsequently we deliver your addresses by e-mail (in Excel). Thanks to this approach we do the work for you. Moreover we can personally advice you about the perfect selection for your target group.

Our website displays just a part of the possibilities. However, we offer you access to quality data of more than 1.700 different target groups. It’s very likely that we can deliver a mailing list that targets the best prospects for your product or service. Contact us via +31(0)20 705 2360 or send an e-mail to sales@acc.acc.bolddata.nl to discover the possibilities. We are here to help.

After your conformation we deliver your addresses by e-mail (in Excel) within 24 hours.

Please contact us for tailor-made advice or more information about deliveries via +31(0)20 705 2360 of info@acc.acc.bolddata.nl. We’re here to help!

You can pay with iDEAL, Paypal, creditcard or bank transfer.

Please contact us for tailor-made advice or more information about payment options via +31(0)20 705 2360 of info@acc.acc.bolddata.nl. We’re here to help!

Data, quality and sources

We are specialized in business to business data. But we can help companies with both B2B- and B2C campaigns all over the world.

Please contact us for tailor-made advice or more information about data via +31(0)20 705 2360 of info@acc.acc.bolddata.nl. We’re here to help!

BoldData only works with databases that are updated daily via local chamber of commerces and statistics bureaus. But we don’t stop there: All decision makers are called every year to check their details. Moreover the databases are updated with information from financial statements, internet, trade magazines and industry organizations. In short: the quality and accuracy are outstanding. However, a mailing list can never be 100% up-to-date. For example, a contact that has been checked last week can have a new job the next week. Therefore you need to take a small error rate into account.

Please contact us for tailor-made advice or more information about data quality via +31(0)20 705 2360 of info@acc.acc.bolddata.nl. We’re here to help!

This depends on the database and country. The following details are available in every country:

  • Full Postal address (company name – address – city – mailbox address)
  • Phone number
  • Name of decision maker
  • Function of decision maker
  • Size of company (number of employees, turnover, number of subsidiaries)
  • Industry
  • Website
  • Email address
  • Import/export

Moreover we offer you acces to specific data per country. We can make a selection based on a large number of criteria fleet information, property information, credit information, GEO locations. Want to know more? Contact us!

We can deliver Worldwide B2B data in the following countries:

  • Afghanistan 2.541
  • Albania 1.010
  • Algeria 122.160
  • Andorra 867
  • Angola 892
  • Anguilla 142
  • Antigua & Barbuda 294
  • Argentina 173.023
  • Armenia 551
  • Aruba 407
  • Australia 843.341
  • Austria 543.750
  • Azerbaijan 701
  • Bahamas 1.088
  • Bahrain 1.064
  • Bangladesh 2.613
  • Barbados 931
  • Belarus 1.368
  • Belgium 1.686.994
  • Belize 812
  • Benin 362
  • Bermuda 1.810
  • Bhutan 118
  • Bolivia 1.327
  • Bonaire 4
  • Bosnia-Herzegovina 39.882
  • Botswana 2.917
  • Brazil 7.769.622
  • Brunei Darussalam 175
  • Bulgaria 514.237
  • Burkina Faso 228
  • Burundi 124
  • Cambodia 555
  • Cameroon 496
  • Canada 1.535.831
  • Cape Verde 134
  • Cayman Islands 2.972
  • Central African Republic 27
  • Chad 101
  • Chile 12.939
  • China 3.424.415
  • Colombia 1.796.144
  • Comoros 24
  • Congo 192
  • Congo Democratic Republic 561
  • Cook Islands 36
  • Costa Rica 2.334
  • Croatia 134.978
  • Curaçao 62
  • Cyprus 7.587
  • Czech Republic 1.230.298
  • Denmark 543.785
  • Djibouti 142
  • Dominica 94
  • Dominican Republic 2.197
  • Ecuador 2.611
  • Egypt 4.240
  • El Salvador 1.092
  • Equatorial Guinea 54
  • Eritrea 14
  • Estonia 118.085
  • Ethiopia 902
  • Falkland Islands 23
  • Faroe Islands 1.027
  • Fiji 221
  • Finland 424.455
  • France 6.942.585
  • French Guiana 4.875
  • French Polynesia 97
  • Gabon 202
  • Gambia 113
  • Georgia 4.646
  • Germany 3.478.072
  • Ghana 1.705
  • Gibraltar 462
  • Greece 161.469
  • Greenland 558
  • Grenada 58
  • Guadeloupe 26.730
  • Guam 10
  • Guatemala 1.966
  • Guinea 183
  • Guinea Bissau 40
  • Guyana 175
  • Haiti 442
  • Honduras 1.032
  • Hong Kong 139.426
  • Hungary 426.196
  • Iceland 7.150
  • India 2.074.693
  • Indonesia 64.341
  • Iran 2.058
  • Iraq 1.627
  • Ireland 276.041
  • Israel 185.044
  • Italy 6.018.979
  • Ivory Coast 819
  • Jamaica 719
  • Japan 3.687.736
  • Jordan 2.206
  • Kazakhstan 404.025
  • Kenya 2.591
  • Kirghizia 50.597
  • Kiribati 8
  • Kosovo 516
  • Kuwait 1.942
  • Laos 11
  • Latvia 110.325
  • Lebanon 2.429
  • Lesotho 346
  • Liberia 278
  • Libya 230
  • Liechtenstein 5.707
  • Lithuania 63.126
  • Luxembourg 134.098
  • Macao 798
  • Macedonia 1.672
  • Madagascar 300
  • Malawi 407
  • Malaysia 9.350
  • Maldives 657
  • Mali 262
  • Malta 2.598
  • Martinique 25.365
  • Mauritania 143
  • Mauritius 1.423
  • Mexico 188.630
  • Micronesia 183
  • Moldova 95.973
  • Monaco 3.623
  • Montenegro 31.722
  • Montserrat 7
  • Morocco 362.569
  • Mozambique 762
  • Myanmar 45
  • Namibia 3.631
  • Nauru 5
  • Nepal 890
  • Netherlands 1.466.716
  • New Caledonia 1
  • New Zealand 68.642
  • Nicaragua 759
  • Niger 205
  • Nigeria 6.936
  • Norfolk 1
  • Northern Mariana Islands 1
  • Norway 687.446
  • Oman 1.137
  • Pakistan 4.237
  • Panama 3.419
  • Papua New Guinea 308
  • Paraguay 791
  • Peru 1.363.743
  • Philippines 52.067
  • Poland 3.006.548
  • Portugal 681.731
  • Qatar 1.695
  • Reunion 31.175
  • Romania 821.630
  • Russian Federation 4.248.831
  • Rwanda 379
  • Saint Helena 7
  • Saint Martin 13
  • Samoa Western 56
  • San Marino 3.058
  • Sao Tome & Principe 17
  • Saudi Arabia 5.705
  • Senegal 654
  • Serbia 148.725
  • Seychelles 402
  • Sierra Leone 168
  • Singapore 250.622
  • Slovakia 375.654
  • Slovenia 167.708
  • Solomon Islands 40
  • Somalia 135
  • South Africa 359.920
  • South Korea 1.254.481
  • South Sudan 15
  • Spain 3.458.729
  • Sri Lanka 1.758
  • St Kitts-Nevis 205
  • St Lucia 153
  • St Vincent 121
  • Sudan 370
  • Suriname 236
  • Swaziland 953
  • Sweden 1.383.656
  • Switzerland 549.116
  • Syria 207
  • Taiwan 145.630
  • Tajikistan 159
  • Tanzania 1.187
  • Thailand 375.840
  • Togo 191
  • Tonga 41
  • Trinidad and Tobago 907
  • Tunisia 1.698
  • Turkey 210.332
  • Turkmenistan 69
  • Turks & Caicos Is 106
  • Tuvalu 3
  • U.S. Minor Outlying Islands 2
  • Uganda 1.342
  • Ukraine 760.837
  • United Arab Emirates 117.474
  • United Kingdom 1.682.999
  • United States of America 17.260.432
  • Uruguay 1.418
  • Uzbekistan 272
  • Vanuatu 61
  • Venezuela 3.378
  • Vietnam 566.796
  • Virgin Islands UK 5.365
  • Yemen 359
  • Zambia 1.078
  • Zimbabwe 636

Need other countries? Contact us!

Use of the data is unlimited with a duration of one year. Do you want to use the data after one year? In that case you have rent the data for another year. You will then also receive the new businesses, start-ups and updates. Dependent on the price and source you can use the database more often or even buy it for unlimited use.

Please contact us for tailor-made advice or more information about usage of data via +31(0)20 705 2360 of info@acc.acc.bolddata.nl. We’re here to help!

BoldData only works with databases that are updated daily from several qualified sources. The most important sources are:

  • Commercial Register of the Chamber of Commerce
  • Municipal Population Distribution Facility )
  • Central Insolvency Register for receiverships and bankruptcies
  • Central Statistics Office
  • Annual reports of companies
  • Chamber of Commerce extracts for all authorized signatories ( directors, auditors and trustees)
  • Market Reports
  • News and press releases
  • Publishers
  • Branch Organisations
  • Internet
  • Annual telephone screening

Please contact us for tailor-made advice or more information about sources via +31(0)20 705 2360 of info@acc.acc.bolddata.nl. We’re here to help!


Privacy and spam laws

Yes, but first it’s important to know that with the entry of the GDPR in 2018 nothing has changed about the legislation regarding direct marketing e-mail marketing. There is a lot of change in terms of data editing and updating of data. In this matter al our data sources are GDPR compliant.

BoldData uses legitimate interest as the legal ground for our data processing, we always secure this by performing a balancing assessment, that verifies and balances our interest to process the data versus the individual’s right to privacy. In general terms, this is what the balancing assessment consist of:

• A description of BoldData’s legitimate interest and an evaluation if the data processing is necessary and proportional for the purpose we have.

• The impact on the individuals and if they reasonable expect what will happen to their data, as well as how sensitive data is, how much data is used and how it is processed;

• Additional safeguards we have put in place which could limit the impact on the individuals, such a data minimization, privacy enhancing technologies; increased transparency, the right to opt-out, and data portability.

The record of the balancing assessment is saved, so that we can demonstrate the considerations we have made. When doing the balancing assessment, we require that all requirements for the individuals’ rights are fulfilled. We also undertake technical and organizational measures to secure the individuals data.

Please contact us for tailor-made advice or more information about privacy laws via +31(0)20 705 2360 of info@acc.acc.bolddata.nl. We’re here to help!

The e-privacy legislation is different per country. For example, in UK, Sweden and France you can send b2b e-mails to companies without permission.  But in most European countries permission is required. In this case we send the e-mailing for you.

If you send commercial e-mails you have to comply with the following:

1. The receiver gave permission to receive e-mails

2. It is clear for the receiver who the sender is

3. The e-mail offers the possibility to unsubscribe

You may send commercial e-mails in the following cases:

– A personal e-mail

– A commercial e-mail to an existing customer (who hasn’t unsubscribed)

– A commercial e-mail to someone who is not a customer yet, but has give permission to be approached via e-mail.

A so called ‘opt-in address’


BoldData will make sure your e-mail campaign will be compliant with the local laws. We have access to thousand of local sources who rent out their opt-in email addresses. These are e-mail addresses of people who have given their permission to be contacted via e-mail.  We make sure your e-mailing complies with the local spam legislation.

Please contact us for tailor-made advice or more information about privacy laws via +31(0)20 705 2360 of info@acc.acc.bolddata.nl. We’re here to help!


The Do-Not-Call-Me-Register gives consumers a choice about whether to receive telemarketing calls at home or on their cell-phone. Once a number is listed on the register, telemarketers cannot approach them for commercial or charitable causes.

Please contact us for tailor-made advice or more information via +31(0)20 705 2360 of info@acc.acc.bolddata.nl. We’re here to help!

The register is meant for consumers. However in some countries natural persons can subscribe themselves. This applies to VOF’s and one person companies.

Please contact us for tailor-made advice via +31(0)20 705 2360 of info@acc.acc.bolddata.nl. We’re here to help!


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+31(0)20 705 2360