Company Database

With worldwide reach and unparalleled local data, our Company Database is designed for companies that demand large volumes of data.

Company Database with 349 Million Entries, Locally Sourced Excellence

Unlock a vast company database encompassing 349 million companies with detailed historical data, market data linkages, contact information, and financial insights. This comprehensive dataset, meticulously sourced locally from Chamber of Commerces and other public registries through privacy-compliant channels, has played a pivotal role in the success of over 4,000 data-driven enterprises globally. Whether you’re onboarding clients, developing applications, or powering machine learning models, harness the scalability of our data to propel any product to success. Receive your data in a customized Excel sheet, bulk dataset, or through our API. Request a quote effortlessly via the contact form.

349,717,076 Companies Worldwide

Company Database Africa4371144
Company Database Asia-Pasific113157162
Company Database Central America1935018
Company Database Central Asia2356534
Company Database Central/Eastern Europe22186099
Company Database Middle East3258583
Company Database North America68111109
Company Database Oceania10517356
Company Database South America30499597
Company Database Western Europe54009175
Total Company Data Worldwide349,717,076

Buy a company database in three steps:


Tell us who you want to target

Our team of data experts take the time to understand your business, target group and campaign. Based on these insights we create a highly targeted company database based on more than 10.000 criteria. From country and number of employees to industry type and job title.


Get a quick count of your company database

You’ll get free quote and a detailed count of your company database within 24 hours. On request we can provide a free sample with a selection of 10 contacts. Based on your feedback we polish the company database to perfection.


Company database delivery in 24 hours

Satisfied and want to launch your campaign? Then we deliver the company database in Excel /CSV within 24 hours. And you can start your marketing efforts with uttermost effectiveness



Top 50 companies in our Company Database

  • Berkshire Hathaway United States
  • ICBC China
  • Saudi Arabian Oil Company (Saudi Aramco) Saudi Arabia
  • JPMorgan Chase United States
  • China Construction Bank China
  • Amazon United States
  • Apple United States
  • Agricultural Bank of China China
  • Bank of America United States
  • Toyota Motor Japan
  • Alphabet United States
  • Microsoft United States
  • Bank of China China
  • Samsung Group South Korea
  • ExxonMobil United States
  • Ping An Insurance Group China
  • Wells Fargo United States
  • Verizon Communications United States
  • AT&T United States
  • PetroChina China
  • UnitedHealth Group United States
  • Walmart United States
  • China Merchants Bank China
  • Volkswagen Group Germany
  • Chevron United States
  • Citigroup United States
  • Tencent Holdings China
  • Total France
  • Postal Savings Bank Of China (PSBC) China
  • China Mobile Hong Kong
  • Comcast United States
  • Alibaba Group China
  • Meta Platforms United States
  • Allianz Germany
  • Morgan Stanley United States
  • Goldman Sachs Group United States
  • HSBC Holdings United Kingdom
  • Johnson & Johnson United States
  • BNP Paribas France
  • Mercedes-Benz Group Germany
  • CVS Health United States
  • Pfizer United States
  • Softbank Japan
  • Sinopec China
  • Nestle Switzerland
  • RBC Canada
  • AXA Group France
  • Gazprom Russia
  • BP United Kingdom
  • Intel United States

Explore the full potential of your business operations with a glimpse into the variety of data fields available through BoldData. The overview provided here showcases just a selection of the extensive range we offer. With over 100 additional data fields available, you are equipped to enhance customer profiles, improve targeting strategies, or streamline your operations more effectively. Browse through the complete list of data fields on our website to discover the full scope of resources available to transform your business insights and decision-making processes.


100+ Company Data Fields available

Company Name349842778
Name CEO289842584
Phone number270987178
Contact information108343700
TradeName 14887629
Address2 349842778
PostCode 349842778
City 349842778
Province 80511892
Country 349842778
Mobile phone13381089
Website 18163117
Category (SIC)349842778
Category (NACE)349842778
Global Headquarters37511892
National Headquarters37511892
Local Headquarters37511892

Reliable company database for marketing and sales

At BoldData, we maintain an exceptional company database, ensuring top quality and continuous verification for accuracy. Our compliance with data protection laws is guaranteed because we source our data from official local authorities, such as Chambers of Commerce and Companies House. Our database is rigorously kept up-to-date and adheres strictly to legal standards. Despite common misconceptions, the GDPR, effective from May 2018, does not prohibit the use of pre-existing company databases with personal data in Europe. These can still be actively used and traded, provided they comply with the law, a process our legal experts are well-equipped to advise on. For more information on legal compliance, please get in touch.

In summary: we offer trustworthy company data you can rely on. As international data specialists, BoldData guarantees that your campaigns are always in line with the latest legal requirements and local marketing laws.

BoldData undergoes annual audits by the Data Driven Marketing Organisation to ensure compliance. It’s crucial for our clients to know that we handle third-party data with utmost care. Highlighting our commitment to privacy, BoldData has been awarded the privacy guarantee seal by the DDMA. We prioritize privacy above all and only deal with company databases you can trust. For privacy guidance, contact our expert today!

Company Database: Fueling Apps and Innovations

In a digital age where data is king, BoldData’s company database has become the foundation upon which many Fortune 500 companies and cutting-edge tech startups build their applications. The journey of an app from idea to execution often depends on the availability and reliability of comprehensive data.

Consider the diverse applications of our data: an AI firm, Everstream, utilizes our extensive database to create predictive analytics models, harnessing the power of big data to forecast trends and consumer behavior. Similarly, Finquest, sifts through our rich datasets to identify high-growth startups, strategically positioning themselves to invest in the next big thing.

Whether you’re developing an app to analyze market trends, a platform for personalized consumer experiences, or advanced algorithms for financial services, BoldData is your go-to specialist. We offer highly accurate company databases that are essential for filling your app with rich, reliable content. Choose from bulk licensing or real-time data access via an API—BoldData tailors its services to meet the dynamic needs of modern businesses. As the backbone of numerous successful applications, our databases not only support but also propel the innovations shaping our digital landscape.

Keep Your Company Database Up-to-Date with BoldData

Maintaining an accurate and up-to-date company database is a challenge many businesses, including some of the world’s largest corporations, often underestimate. The influx of data from diverse sources such as social media, newsletter subscriptions, and website leads, combined with daily updates made by account managers in your CRM systems, can lead to outdated or incomplete records. For instance, it’s unlikely that an account manager will update the address and phone number when a company relocates. As data volumes increase, so does the necessity for meticulous database management.

Fortunately, updating your database need not be a burdensome task. With BoldData’s matching software, we can effortlessly synchronize your records with our comprehensive global database, which now includes over 349 million companies worldwide. This process ensures your data is not only enriched but also cleansed of inaccuracies, sparing you the manual labor.

With BoldData, you gain access to unparalleled match rates and a wealth of information essential for making informed decisions and driving your business’s growth on a global scale.


What you can expect from our company database?

  • Global coverage, unbeatable local data
  • Company database for any purpose
  • Privacy compliant: Company data you can trust
  • Delivery within 24 hours
  • Delivered in a custom Excel sheet or in bulk
  • Our customers rate us 9.3 out of 10

You’ll be in good company

Request sample 10 free records
+31(0)20 705 2360