List of companies in the world

Get a list of companies in the world from the most complete and trusted local sources

Use 100% accurate business intelligence from worldwide list of all companies worldwide. Get worldwide insides about the all companies in the world by industry, employee size, revenue and country. BoldData’s world wide company list provides everything you need to fuel effective market research, sales and marketing campaigns. Jump start your international campaign with highly accurate data. Aggregated from GDPR compliant sources and chamber of commerces.

Number of Companies worldwide by country

The total number of companies worldwide is 328,644,973. China has the biggest number of companies with a 24% market share of all companies worldwide. Second is USA with 60,762,993 companies (8%). India also has a large number of companies: 22,353,323. These three countries combined have a 50% market share in total number of companies worldwide.

Top 50 companies in the world by revenue

  • Walmart Inc. USA
  • China Petrochemical Corporation China
  •, Inc. USA
  • Alphabet Inc. USA
  • State Grid Corporation Of China China
  • BP P.L.C. UnitedKingdom
  • Apple Inc. USA
  • Exxon Mobil Corporation USA
  • CVS Health Corporation USA
  • Berkshire Hathaway Inc. USA
  • McKesson Corporation USA
  • China National Petroleum Corporation China
  • GLENCORE PLC UnitedKingdom
  • Gebr. Becker GmbH Germany
  • Daimler AG Germany
  • China International United Petroleum & Chemicals Co., Ltd. China
  • Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. SouthKorea
  • Amerisourcebergen Corporation USA
  • Black Creek Diversified Property Fund Inc. USA
  • AT&T Inc. USA
  • EXOR N.V. Netherlands
  • Onex Corporation Canada
  • State of New York USA
  • Costco Wholesale Corporation USA
  • Laura Metaal Holding B.V. Netherlands
  • The Ministry Of Railways Of The People’s Republic Of China Co., Ltd. China
  • Cigna Corporation USA
  • Cardinal Health, Inc. USA
  • Beijing State-Owned Capital Operation And Management Center China
  • Arrendadora Financiera Monterrey, S.A. Mexico
  • Ultra Arrenda,Sa de C.V. Mexico
  • Chevron Corporation USA
  • Microsoft Corporation USA
  • Jpmorgan Chase & Co. USA
  • Walgreens Boots Alliance, Inc. USA
  • Schwarz Beteiligungs-KG Germany
  • Trafigura Beheer B.V. Netherlands
  • Verizon Communications Inc. USA
  • Stellantis N.V. Netherlands
  • State of Texas USA
  • Ford Motor Company USA
  • BMW Holding B.V. Netherlands
  • Bayerische Motoren Werke AG Germany
  • Marathon Petroleum Corporation USA

Buy a custom-made list of companies worldwide

We can select your perfect target based on numerous interesting selections: from 3.000 industries to region, turnover, sector and the number of employees. Discover some of the options in the overview below and request a free quote via the contact form.You’ll get free quote and a detailed count of your company database within 24 hours. On request we can provide a free sample with a selection of 10 contacts. Based on your feedback we polish the worldwide database to perfection. Satisfied and want to launch your campaign? Then we deliver the worldwide database in Excel /CSV within 24 hours. And you can start your marketing efforts with uttermost effectiveness Do you need a list in different region, city or country? No problem, we’re here to help: we can help you worldwide with companies lists in all countries and cities.

Number of Companies in the World - By Industry

Farming companies worldwide4376678
Manufacturing companies worldwide7878021
Energy water and waste7002686
Construction companies worldwide7003264
Wholesalers companies worldwide8753357
Retail company companies worldwide9628693
Automotive company companies worldwide3639010
Transport company companies worldwide3501343
Hotels and restaurants companies worldwide2522014
IT company companies worldwide3063675
Banks, finance and insurances institutes Worldwide2626007
Business services companies worldwide1575604
Government company companies worldwide1313003
Schools company companies worldwide2188339
Healthcare companies worldwide3501343
Culture sports and foundations companies worldwide4814364
Personal services companies worldwide3063675
1700 other specific industries available..Contact us!

List of companies in the world - by dataset

Total number of companies Worldwide 229842778
Postal address212659878
Names CEO109842584
Phone or Mobile170987178
Email addresses98719923
City 108109919
Province 80511892
Country 109842778
Language 109735700
Phone number161897814
Fax 17161374
Number of employees9781053
National ID129842778
Legal form209426788
Longitude 106479319
Latitude 106479319
100+ other data fields availableAsk quote!

Frequently asked questions about this List of Companies worldwide

The price depends on the number of addresses and the address details needed. The minimum order amount is € 425,-. This equals approximately 1.000 up-to-date addresses. Buy more, get more discount! Check our prices here. Click on “Worldwide B2B Data” for the breakdown.Tell us your target group and we send you a free quote. Call +31(0)20 705 2360 or send an e-mail to

Do you want to place your order? Simply confirm your selection by replying to the e-mail. BoldData delivers the database (in Excel) within 24 hours by e-mail.

Tell us your target group via the request form or by phone. Based on your information we search for the database that perfectly matches your target group and objectives. Subsequently we send you a free quote, including the number or addresses, within one day.

Do you want to place your order? Simply confirm your selection by replying to the e-mail. BoldData delivers the addresses (in Excel) within 24 hours by mail.

After you’ve placed the order at one of our data-experts, you can choose one of the below online payment methods:

  • PayPal
  • Creditcard
  • SOFORT Banking
  • Bancontact
  • eps
  • Giropay
  • Przelewy24
  • KBC/CBC-Betaalknop
  • Belfius Pay Button
  • ING Home’Pay
  • iDEAL

We’re a worldwide data company with data experts in 100+ countries. That’s we’re always adding new (local) payment methods. So feel free to ask your preferred way of making payments. We also accept regular banktransfers to IBAN: NL82INGB0006175892 and BIC INGBNL2A.

BoldData can guarantee a 100% complete list of all companies worldwide. Alongside We can deliver the following communication data:

  • Total Worldwide companies
  • companies with Name CEO
  • companies with Contact information
  • companies with Phone or Mobile
  • companies Has Website or Email
  • companies with International Code
  • Logo or Photo
  • UniqueID
  • CompanyNames
  • TradeName
  • Address1
  • Address2
  • AddressStreet
  • AddressHouseNumber
  • PostCode
  • City –
  • Province
  • Country
  • Language
  • Phone
  • Fax
  • Mobile
  • Website
  • Email
  • NationalID
  • Longitude
  • Latitude
  • GeoLevel
  • GeoConfidence
  • AlternativePhone
  • TollFreeNumber
  • Description companies
  • FacebookURL
  • TwitterURL
  • LinkedInURL
  • YouTubeURL
  • Logo companies
  • Keywords
  • YearFounded  companies
  • companies with OpeningHours
  • List of companies in Monday opening hour
  • List of companies in Monday opening hour Monday closing hour
  • List of companies in Monday opening hour Tuesday opening hour
  • List of companies in Monday opening hour Tuesday closing hour
  • List of companies in Monday opening hour Wednesday opening hour
  • List of companies in Monday opening hour Wednesday closing hour
  • List of companies in Monday opening hour Thursday opening hour
  • List of companies in Monday opening hour Thursday closing hour
  • Friday opening hour
  • Friday closing hour
  • Saturday opening hour
  • Saturday closing hour
  • PaymentTypes
  • Products companies
  • Services
  • Brands companies
  • Baseline
  • SourceLongitude
  • SourceLatitude
  • Sunday opening hour
  • Sunday closing hour
  • AddressBoxNumber companies

Need other information? Contact us!

This a DDMA accreditated, premium companies list which is continuously updated by various sources such as the local Chamber of Commerce, Municipal Population Distribution Facility, Central Insolvency Register for receiverships and bankruptcies, Central Statistics Office, Market Reports, News and press releases, Publishers, Branch Organizations, Internet and deep web (Big Data). We also collect data from annual reports, telephone interviews, web research, Companies House and public filings /stock exchanges.

Daily data validation of our list of largest companies in the world

No matter how fancy the modern technology is, it will never fully replace the human-verified capabilities. This is the reason BoldData has more than 50 data experts that collect, organize and validate different datasets daily. Best of all, you get notified about these updates so you can fill your sales pipeline with new leads every day.

The overview displays just a part of the possibilities. However, we offer you access to quality data of more than 1.700 different target groups in 100 countries. It’s very likely that we can deliver a mailing list that targets the best prospects for your product or service. Contact us via +31(0)20 705 2360 or send an e-mail to to discover the possibilities. We are here to help.

Do you want to get started with list of top companies in the world?

Tell us your target group and we send you a free quote. Call +31(0)20 705 2360 or send an e-mail to Do you want to place your order? Simply confirm your selection by replying to the e-mail. BoldData delivers the database (in Excel) within 24 hours by e-mail.

Other Questions or are you looking for a other city or country? Our data experts are specialized in supervising international campaigns. We have specific direct marketing knowledge per country and have highly accurate data of 300 million companies in 100+ countries. Contact us for free tailor-made advice and an independent quote. Please call +31(0)20 705 2360 or send an e-mail to

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